Monday, January 2, 2012


so the reason i havent been posting is because i got a tumblr yay(:  imma be tumblr famous. no biggie. 

follow me cutie pies

peace out yall. 

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Sorry I haven't posted in forever ya'll, junior year is taking a beating on me. But I promise I will try to post more often. Anyways, enjoy(:

Secretly we'll run away, fall in love, and hide away. Secretly we'll find ourselves. Come one baby by finding you, I find me. Won't tell a single soul, let's fall in love secretly.

Everyday I seem to fall madly in love with you. 

Listen to the beat of my heart. Maybe you will hear my song.


And I'm starting to figure out that I cannot live without you.


I need you to breathe, but i wouldn't want it any other way. 


When people ask me how I knew he was the one I always say "there was never a choice. it was always him."


Its the way he smiles, the way she laughs. The way a spark is created when their eyes meet, you know they are meant to be together.


He is just a normal guy.Living a regular life. But when she is in his arms,you would swear he was king of the world.


Don't follow your dreams, chase them. 


Throw those deuces up, leave your cares behind,and have a good life.


Let the waves wash away your worries. 


I still find it hard to believe that he is mine. 

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Everyone always told me to wait for that perfect guy, I was always rushing to settle with any guy who called me pretty.But I waited. Then I met you. And I understood why they told me the wait would be worth it.

For every minute you are angry with someone, you loose 60 seconds of happiness you can never get back.

untitled by Տara» on Flickr.
For more beautiful photography go here :
Pretty photography :)
Pretty photography :)

The course of love never did run smooth.

Stay beautiful. 

Yes. Reblogging my own photo :P
For more pretty pictures :

Live like you were dying. 

take it or leave it (front page!) by austin combs on Flickr.
For more beautiful photography go here :
Pretty photography :)
Pretty photography :)

Your gonna find the guy that makes your heart pound, sends tingles up your spine, and makes you laugh your ass off. This guy is as good as its gonna get, don't ever let him go.

untitled by kameron elisabeth on Flickr.
For more beautiful photography go here :
Pretty-photography :)
Pretty-photography :)

Cinderella didn't need to take of her dress to get Prince Charming, and neither do you.

I hope you know somebody loves you and wants the same things too.

Sometimes you just have to forget the risk, and just fall.

I forgot how good it felt to be in your arms. 

Most guys are horrible,lying, cheating players. But he isn't most guys.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Nobody "needs" anybody.

Be with someone who knows what they have when they have you.

When someone tells you you're cute, they're looking at your face.
When someone tells you you're hot, they're looking at your body.When someone tells you you're beautiful, they're looking at 
your heart.

I'm sorry I was your biggest mistake,while you were quite possibly the best thing to ever happen to me.

The thing I hate the most is looking at you and knowing I'm not allowed to have you.

aww, beach, couple, cute, dress, floral

There's a story behind every person. There's a reason why they're the way they are. They aren't just like that because they want to. Something in the past created them, and sometimes it's impossible to fix them.

cardigan, cute, cute!, feet, floral dress

Your worst battle is between what you know and what you feel.

blue, bolero, cardigan, cute, dress

Somewhere there’s someone,who dreams of your smile, and finds in your presence that life is worth while, so when you are lonely,
remember its true: somebody, somewhere is thinking of you.

asian, beautiful, beauty, belly, brazilian

When a girl is ignoring you, it's when she needs you the most.

beautiful, girl, poetry, text

I want us to be together. To be that couple everyone envies. To hear "oh's" and "aw's" as we walk down the hallway. I want to get a million likes on our relationship status. I want to come home and curl up on the couch with you. To find you at my door with ice cream when I'm feeling down. To wake up to a text from you every morning. I want us to be together. 

beach, beautiful, couple, happiness, hug, love

I love you. So simple so true. So painful. 

art, bright, brown, brown hair, chicaaa, face

Live in this moment.

arms, bangs, beautiful, blue, bokeh, bracelets

And you are what you create.

beautiful, bracelet, brown hair, flowers, girl

You are just a boy. You don't understand. 

beautiful, bracelet, bracelets, brown hair, flower

Distance means so little when someone means so much.

back, beautiful, bokeh, bracelet, bracelets, brown

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

I remember his eyes. Out of everything we had together, staying up until 3am, laughing at nothing, having the best conversations, and the thing I remember most were his bright blue eyes. No matter how much I try to tell myself that I hate him, that memory of his eyes beg to differ. 

I fall too fast. No one can stop me.


He is so different, thats what worries me. All the guys I usually go for are asshole players, but him, he's the opposite. He is every girls best friend, the guy you can tell your problems to and you know he won't spread it around the school. He is sweet without being cheesy and funny without trying. He is adorable not sexy, basically everything you could want in a guy but you didn't know it. He is like my Gordo, I just hope I'm his Lizzy. 


We sat there, eyes locked,and I couldn't move. All the memories came flooding back and I couldn't breathe. Everything about him rushed over me like an avalanche, the tension in the hair was as heavy as the humidity in the warm fall air. I forgot I loved him this much. 


If you broke me, I don't wanna remember what it was like to be fixed.

I didn't wanna forget, I didn't wanna regret us. But standing here looking at you with her, I suddenly realized why we aren't us anymore. 

She is gonna get her way, there is no stopping her. 


Take a breath,take a fall, take a shot for you.

Goosebumps. I get goosebumps when I think about you.

It's like forgetting the words to your favorite song, you can't remember, you were always singing along. 

Don't waste your time wishing to be something you are not.

Be breathtaking. 

Sunday, October 16, 2011

If nobody is perfect, then you must be nobody. 

The way you moving your body, like you never had love.

I want you more than anything else.

Every time I see you, I feel like I'm home. That everything will be okay. I breathe a sigh of relief when we touch. I've been waiting forever for you, so until you realize you love me too, I can keep waiting. 


And years seem to pass as we blink our eyes. 


Of all the girls tossing rocks at your window, I'll be the one waiting there even when its cold.


You're not a want anymore, you are a need. 


Players never change.

A CUP OF JO: Hunter boots

Celebrate every moment. 

I spend hours in front of the mirror, applying makeup and frying my hair. I don't even know how much time I have wasted trying to figure out what to wear. But its my mornings are devoted to getting ready to see you, my day is spent finding opportunities to see you, and my nights are wasted hopelessly analizing our encounters throughout the day. Still, I wouldn't change any of that for the world. 

I'm damaged goods, baby you don't want me. 

I'm done waiting on a hero, so done. I'm gonna be my own hero now so fuck you.

I'm a mess in a dress, I'm an absolute snob. I hate wearing shoes and being indoors. I like my hair to be perfection while I'm standing in the mud. Rain is my favorite kind of weather and I act like a kid 24/7. Hell, I don't even know who I am. But I'm not changing, especially for you.